dogs of b.e.t.a.
The dogs of the Canine Forces live in the heart of the great walled city of Salus in a compound once used as a military research facility. Their life is a harsh one, governed by strict rules and power structures--each dog is expected to perform their best, and watch their backs. Competitors are willing to kill for their positions...
Breeds of beta
To fulfill the niches necessary in order to protect the city of Salus, the humans of B.E.T.A have employed selective breeding to create their own breed groups with their own temperaments, dispositions, and purposes within the canine forces.
It is not abnormal to catch a glimpse of metal bound to flesh among the dogs of BETA--to keep the genetic diversity high and the dogs long-lived, dogs are often enhanced with non-organic metal alloys by the scientists that reside in the bunker city of Salus.
Whether these enhancements are done to repair trauma, such as replacement legs, or are of a more experimental nature, what some see as a blessing, others see as a curse...
The Rankings & REGIMENTS
The Canine forces follow a strict hierarchy, and in order to advance up the ranks a dog must be willing to kill not only for the prestige, but for better lodgings, food, and privileges within the Compound that the dogs of the Canine Forces call home.